Minggu, 06 September 2015

How To Open Youtube Blocked Without Software

How To Open Blocked Youtube Videos Without Software - In previous posts I've written about android application detection ghost ago I also had menshare game LINE Let's Get Rich version of a PC or laptop and this time I want to share a few tips internet tricks how you make vidio that blocked internet positive or server from youtube own certain areas of factors that could menontonya.

Oh yes if you want you can also read how to open the blocked sites on a computer learning tutorials me about opening the blocked website. But for this time that we are far more specific language that is open vidio were blocked on youtube.

Here are 3 Ways Open the Blocked Youtube Videos Without Software:

1.   Application ProxMate

 For you who like to open or access the internet, you've certainly no stranger to the application proxe mate. Where one application is an extension that has been found in Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Opera Mini. So many a   dvantages offered by this application example just like Discovery, MTV, Google Play, Radio.com, Vevo, BBC, NBC, Fox.
Related Post :

§  Who's The Guys Behind the success of YouTube?

§  How to Upload Video to YouTube Using Android

Note : Choose according to your browser

§  ProxMateMozilla Firefox
§  ProxMateGoogle Chrome
§  ProxMateOperaMini

2.      Application HOLA

Application of this one we can say is similar to Proxmate application, which Hola application should also be installed in applications such as browsers (Google Chrome, Android, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, iOS and Windows). By utilizing this one application, then you are using IP as if the other countries, and therefore YouTube can be opened.
Related Post :


§  How to Get Money From Youtube?

§  Recognize Youtube, Online Promotion New Ways To Bringing Your Customers

Note : Choose according to your browser

§  Hola MozillaFirefox
§  Hola GoogleChrome
§  Hola Windows32 bit
§  Hola Windows62 bit
§  Hola Android
§  Hola iPhone/ iPad

3. Manual For those of you who feel ribed using two ways above, then the third way that this could be a solution for those of you who can not open a video on youtube.The way that is just by typing the address on the menu to write


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