Selasa, 08 September 2015

Tips Online Business Running With Utilizing Twitter

Tips Online Business Running With Utilizing Twitter - Now social media not only as a venue for socializing alone. As the times and the development of technology, social media is widely used as a vehicle to make money. Social media go life in 2006, every year its rise and declare it in directly by Twitter CEO Dick Costolo that in reports by the, that user #Twitter in Indonesia amounted to 50 million users, and this figure will growing every year.

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It seems that this fact be utilized by some creative people to seek extra income, even for some people become the main job. So what steps to start an online business and benefit from Twitter? Online activities have become commonplace in our society, all activities can be done online, for example, buying and selling online, online mortgage payment, even payment of electricity can be online.

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This is the opportunity for us to take advantage of the Internet connection, one of them with open #bisnis online. Whatever the product that you are selling, the online system can all be done as long as we have a willingness to learn to adapt. In this article we will share how to start an online business startup by using Twitter.

1. Indicates Username Your Business

Start by thinking about a username that will be used on Twitter to sell. Username is your brand, a name that represents the product to be sold. With this username prospective customers do not have to bother asking what products you sell, and do not need to explain the complicated to explain your products because potential customers know what products are offered.

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Username business must mendreskripsikan products sold. For example, if you sell baby clothes, it can use the username "My Baby Shop". Very wrong if you sell baby clothes but using the username "My Beauty Shop", as the name Beauty tends to beauty products. From the illustration above you can already determine the exact username suitable for use as a product brand you not? If so, please enter the next step.

2. Use Avatar That Sells

The second step after determining your Twitter username, then subsequently install the Avatar on the Twitter account. Avatar is a profile photo of your Twitter account, this is very important because the avatar is an image that will explain the details of the product being sold, then create an avatar that is very interesting, unique and informative. Avatar can be the logo of your online business, product images, even images that explain events or particular promo. Then make a regular schedule to set the turn of this avatar, because potential customers will probably get bored and do not assume your online business update.

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For example in the first week you upload a profile photo in the form of the logo of your online business, then the second week to replace and upload pictures of your products that have passed the editing of course, and the third week uploaded a picture that explains that the online store you are making a promo or a quiz, and so it went on thinking you package it creatively as possible.

Then behind your profile picture, photo header. Header here can be used as a promotional banner you, as well as conventional vend. Techniques using the banner or beckdrop is also very powerful to attract prospective customers, make it as simple as possible and not excessive.

3. Making Bio Informative and Attractive

Bio or profile is a short description of your product, can contain product information, contact person, tagline / slogan or website / online store. In this step, create a short profile about your business, due to the limited use of characters that only 160 characters, then create a short profile, solid and sell.

Do not make the profile description is too complicated, because prospective customers sometimes just want to find out your contact person, website links to review the product, or the address of your shop if you already have stores.

4. Begin follow

Twitter is a way of working with and Follow Follow Back. To stratup start with memfollow others, suggested follow the one account you may make a positive contribution to your online business, for example by memfollow accounts of business coaching, accounts that sell similar products with the products you sell, so you will be able to easily adapt and compete with them. Take the positive side of the competitors as a good partner is your competition.

5. Begin Tweet

tweet or is a term that means writing post or share something to other users via status on Twitter. If you want to sell on Twitter then start providing useful writing beforehand. In nge-twit has a technique and not arbitrary. Begin provide useful twit, twit informative that will attract potential buyers to your account follow.

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Post the writings do not always have to sell the product, interspersed with fresh twit twit who could be kultwit, jokes or humor because too rigid was not good because buyers will be bored. Begin to schedule twit twit would you post, at least in a day you have to prepare the material that will be posted for one day in the future, this is to avoid your Twitter account or a blank stuck on a particular day.

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Understand and try to research consumer behavior, ensure a proper post, usually during the morning between 7 and 8 o'clock, then lunch hour and at night between the hours of 8 to 10 nights. At certain hours it postinglah your product or your product description, beyond the earlier time can be a distraction postings make tips or kultwit.

6. Do With Consistent!
Last point in doing the steps above with Consistent! Why I consistently said in bubuhi Bold and the exclamation mark? This is to confirm that the importance of consistency in managing your Twitter account, because all the points that we have discussed long and very wide was going to be a very futile if not done consistently. The above steps are simple steps how to run an online business by utilizing Twitter. But it would be very powerful when done with very consistent.
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No good thing will be in vain if we do it with hard work and consistency, begin with action.
